Fall 2018 Astronomy Research Seminars

DoubleSTARS™ – the Introductory Seminar

Boyce-Astro will be conducting or supporting the DoubleSTARS Astronomy Research Seminars Online and in Classrooms at several locations for the Fall Semester 2018. This is the same seminar that has been conducted for three years in San Diego by BRIEF. You will propose and conduct original research in astrometry as a team member and complete a research paper accepted for publication. You will experience the scientific process from proposal all the way through to publication.

The seminar fee is $99 which includes all course materials as well as computer and telescope time. The fee is due no later than the WEEK 4 online session. There is no financial obligation for taking the first three weeks of the seminar and then withdrawing. Community College and BE WiSE students may take the seminar FOR FREE. Other High School students are eligible for scholarships to attend for free. Completed scholarship applications are due no later than the WEEK 3 online session. Online sessions are conducted using Zoom; a video capable computer or laptop is necessary for the seminar.

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