
RTSRE 2018

The 2nd Annual Conference on Robotic Telescopes, Student Research, and Education (RTSRE) will start Monday July 23rd and runs through the 25th. Boyce-Astro is a sponsor of the event which will be held in Hilo, Hawaii.  On Tuesday, July 24th, Pat Boyce will present, “Improving Practices for Visual Double Star Observations with CCD’s and Small Telescopes”.

In June of 2018 a paper was presented at the SAS conference which was published at, on the “Investigation into the Accuracy of Small Telescope CCD Astrometry of Visual Double Stars”. This paper can be accessed at the Boyce Astro publications archive and provides an interesting analysis of the results of measurements made across multiple optical trains comparing observations of a standard set of common doubles.

Pat’s presentation at RTSRE extends the lessons learned from that project into a methodology for improving practices among student researchers making double star measurements.

The presentation can be viewed at: RTSRE 2018 Presentation

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