This lesson will provide an overview of how to image an exoplanet. For the most up to date guidance, consult the excellent website: Dennis Conti has become one of the worlds top amateur exoplanet observers and educators. This lesson will rely on...
What counts for a “bad image” is a question often received. This lesson will provide examples of some bad images, describe what happened, and also point out some cases where these images may still be useful.
In a continuing series on CCD Imaging, this lesson focuses on a concept called Seeing. In short, Seeing describes how clear your image is (ex. Star, planet, etc) when being viewed through the Earth’s atmosphere.
While creating some beautiful effects, the Earth’s Atmosphere is severely limiting from an Astronomical perspective. This lesson will outline some of those problem areas that must be considered.
This lesson will take you through a thought process when setting up for an observation/imaging run for an object that is not moving through the sky. This will discuss topics that have been covered in previous lessons and therefore, will not spend a great amount of...
Each science image is subject to mechanical imperfections. If these imperfections are not removed from each image, they will skew the data and provide erroneous measurements. This class will talk about the basics of Image Calibration. All images must be calibrated...
This lesson will take you through a thought process when setting up for an observation/imaging run for an object thatis moving through the sky. This will discuss topics that have been covered in previous lessons and therefore, will not spend a great amount oftime on...