Photometry – Independent Research
Research on Variable Stars
Course Description
This advanced course provides a complete experience in doing time-based photometry through a hands on project selected and conducted by the student. The research project is fully supported by tutorials, instructor guidance as needed on the student’s own schedule, and Boyce-Astro telescope time. Observations of eclipsing binaries, cataclysmic variables, Delta Scuti, RR Lyrae, or other short period variable stars are well suited for the student’s project and scientific publication.
Course type: Asymmetric online with Instructor Guidance as needed
Duration: Self-paced at student’s discretion
Telescope hours: < 20
Product: As determined by student
How To Join The Course
Join the Photometry – Independent Research waitlist to receive updates and information how to register for the course.
As with all Boyce-Astro courses and seminars, you need to take our FREE IntroSTARS™ online self-paced course and pass a final quiz as a prerequisite to participate. It requires about 6 hours of lessons and as much time as you wish to use the study guides and chapter quizzes.
If you have not taken a Boyce-Astro course or IntroSTARS™, please go to the IntroSTARS™ page to get started.